Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The next chapter!

So it's official, Jeff finally has his Masters degree in Metallurgy Engineering. All I can say is it's about flippin time! For the past nine months I've felt like his masters thesis has dominated our lives. Put ahead of everything else. It's weird but once I heard he was done and had been accepted a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. We have so much to do to get ready for Norway and now we can really focus on that. It's so nice to have one major hurdle down. Not that we don't have sixteen thousand more hurdles to cross over the next four months but hey one down is better than nothing!

What's next you might wonder... the house and the cars. We need to get the Fusion sold ASAP and the house painted - hopefully that'll happen in the next two weeks. Then it's on to the kitchen and all the other little shit we need to do to get our house ready for market. The goal is to get it up for sale by the end of Oct. Jeff just found out that NTNU wants to fly him out in November for another PHD's dissertation. This will be the perfect opportunity for him to check out rental properties. Rentals are crazy expensive in Trondheim and very little compared to what Americans are used to. It's going to be a challenge going from an almost 3000 square foot home to a 8-900 square foot apartment, so my goal over the next month is to start weeding out the crap. By the crap I mean all of the "stuff" we have accumulated to fit in every nook and cranny of our house. Who'd of thougth we could accumulate so much crap over 3.5 years! This is going to be quit the task in itself. I have a feeling as other things get checked off the list the weight will keep lifting until our goal of making it to Norway is attainable. So if I've been a little lax on blogging and continue this trend these are my excuses. I think they're pretty damn good excuses too!

So as this next chapter in our lives moves forward, I will try to keep everyone updated on where we're at and what's new.


The Lucero's said...

Congrats to Jeff. Im sure everything will just fall into place, with the house and Norway...Or you can just stay here...haha!! Oh and don't forget to try craigslist for anything you want to sell or even give away...

Rosanne said...

Oh heavens...I feel for ya. good luck with everything - and congrats again to Jeff!