Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First Movie!

My Mom and I took Avery to her first movie, Ice Age 3. I wasn't sure what to expect but she actually did really well. The movie is in 3D so her glasses were a little big and about half way through she took them off. If you plan on taking a small child to a 3D movie bring a rubber band or something to help keep the glasses on. The movie had a couple of scary moments for a small child and Avery ended up on one of our laps at those times. Other than the few scary moments and the annoying one size fits all 3D glasses, it was a great movie and man has 3D come a long way! The movie has lots of action and humor and if you enjoyed the other Ice Age movies, I would recommend this one. Although beware that the big dinosaur at the end is "kina scary" as Avery told me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July weekend, even though we had to change plans a few days ahead. Due to our sick cat we ended up canceling out on camping with Jeff's family and decided to stay home and monitor the little guy. Luckily Jeff's family was flexible and they all decided to come down to Butte. It was great to see everyone and Avery LOVED playing with her cousin Ryley. How Avery got through the fireworks. As long as she sat on someone's lap, Grandma's in this case, and had someone cover her ears she was somewhat ok with the fireworks. The first time we lit one off around her she screamed and started bawling so actually sitting on someone's lap was huge improvement.

The crew with sparklers. We put Avery to bed the first night. The second night she sat on Grandma's lap covered by a sleeping bag the entire time. Butte lights off their big fireworks show on July 3rd as do most of the town folk. So we celebrated for two night. We had a ton of fireworks, it was a blast!
My Mother in Law and I watching the fireworks.
Waiting for the parade.
Showing some leg!
Ryley, me and Ave.
Avery's fancy hair band she picked up at the parade.
Messy girl!
Squirt guns. They had a blast squirting all of us!
Taking a food break with Great Grandma.
Riding each others trikes. Avery's trying to hold back the temptation to scream my bike. She did pretty good with sharing. She's probably afraid Ryley will kick her off his bike.

Visit with old friends

When Avery and I cruised back to Great Falls at the end of June we lucked out as my former Cheerleading advisor Jill Karnop was also in Great Falls. I haven't seen Jill in like ten years so it was a treat to meet up and chat. We all met at Rosanne's house and it was so nice to just visit.

Avery really liked Rosie's little girls. Here she is acting just like Hayley. I didn't get a picture of Samantha darn it. I'll have to get one next time.

Here we all are. Me, Avery, Rosanee, Jacob, Hayley and Karnop -er or Jill (sorry Jill just doesn't sound right she will always be Karnop to me!) Samantha was napping.

Thanks for the nice conversation ladies it was such a treat!

Visit to Great Falls

Jeff went on a float trip up the Missouri with his cousin Chris so Ave and I decided to drive back to Great Falls and spend the weekend with my family.  Mandy and Hadyn were still in town so I got to visit with them again.  Hadyn is the cutest little guy and it was so nice to get to see them before they headed back to California.  My Mom and I took Avery to Gibson Park since she's really into ducks these days.  

My parents had just returned from a trip to Disney World so we all got presents.  Brady and Kristy's dogs both got shirts labeled Thing 1 and Thing 2, the terrors from the Dr. Sues books.  This is all of us checking out the new shirts.  
Eating in Grandpa's sandals.  

Our 8th Anniversary

I took our 8th anniversary off of work so that Jeff and I could spend the day together.  We decided to haul the canoe up to Georgetown Lake so Jeff could fish and Avery and I could enjoy the outdoors.  It was a beautiful day and we spent a couple hours at the lake.  Avery did really well in the canoe but she got a little bored after about an hour so Mom and Ave hung out around the lake while Dad fished.  No luck catching fish but we had a great lunch at 7 Gables.  I still can't believe that 8 years have gone by.  Marrying Jeff was the best thing I've ever done.  I love you baby thanks for 8 fantastic years!

Not so wonderful self taken picture.  
Avery helping Daddy paddle, she called it swimming?