Monday, October 13, 2008

October Update

Sorry I’ve been kind of a pill about posting lately. I have a ton of pictures on my camcorder that I need to download but Jeff’s been hogging the lap top lately for school work so I haven’t gotten a chance to download. School’s been a little crazy for Jeff this semester, lots of homework. As soon as I get the pics I’ll do a post about my cousin Mandy’s baby shower and our weekend in Great Falls (the weekend of the 4th).

This last weekend was great, very relaxing. My parents drove over on Sat to watch Avery while Jeff and I went and chopped wood. It was a little chilly but really nice to get out of the house and into the woods just the two of us. We chopped down one huge tree so that will get us by for awhile. It would be nice to have a wood stove to burn it in but thus far we haven’t gotten any insight on when our stove will come in.

Here's a picture of Daddy starting a fire with the little dragon looking on. This is Avery's Halloween costume and she likes to wear it around the house.

The last couple of weeks, Avery has really gotten into her baby doll. She has a bed and a stroller for it. The other day I found this in the stroller. Apparently she needed to strap her frog in. That gave me a kick.

Yesterday she was trying to put diapers on her baby doll, however, her diapers are a little big. She was getting a little frustrated that they wouldn't fit. Luckily I still had some newborn diapers from when Avery was first born and those fit the doll perfectly. Last night we put the baby to bed in her miniature pack and play and Avery got her all covered up with a blanket. It’s so funny how girls just have a natural instinct to take care of a baby.

This Friday I get to go to Spokane with my Mom to see Phantom of the Opera. It’s my all time favorite play and I’ve seen it either five or six times. If I don’t see it for a couple of years I get withdrawals. The last time I went I took Jeff and he even liked it. That must have been three or four years ago. The plan is for Mom and I to drive over to Spokane Fri, get a bite to eat, possibly at PF Changs, do a little shopping and the play is that night. Then on Sat we’ll shop and eat a little more and drive back to Butte. I’m pretty excited. I haven’t had a girl’s weekend since Avery was born and I think it’ll be a nice break.


Rosanne said...

Have so much fun in Spokane with your mom and the Phantom!! :)

So cute about Avery and the doll...and frog. :)

Shawna said...

Her costume is so cute Lacy! Next time you guys 'sneak' into town, sneak over to see us!!! Have fun in Spokane, I've never seen Phantom of the Opera, I'm jealous!! :)

Kari said...

We had so much fun with Avery on Saturday. Ron is so pumped because she called him gampy. It was pretty cute.
Lacy made us a killer lasagne for dinner. Possibly the best I've had.
Can't wait for Phantom and PF Changs.

Kari said...

The lasagna was made by Jeff and Lacy.
The last time we ate at Lacy's, Jeff made some grilled shrimp that were to die for.
They are both excellent cooks.