Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Weekend

We had a nice weekend. I think the warm weather makes everyone feel more energetic so I was pretty glad we had two days of sunshine! On Sat we made a quick trip to Missoula to take our friend Jeff Wigmore to lunch. Jeff is leaving to teach English in either Vietnam or Thailand in a couple of weeks and will be gone for 1-2 years. We had lunch at Sushi Hanna which was excellent and we even ran into Jeff's old boss Manfred who then joined us for lunch. I discovered that I really like raw salmon and if you haven't already, I would suggest trying it. My favorite is still the snow crab though (this ones not raw.) Here's a link to their website
When that was over we did a quick stop at Rockin Rudy's for incense and then headed over to Robin and Trev's house. Robin is due in June with her first kid and I hadn't seen her since September so I had to check out how big her belly had grown and see the nursery. We ended up sitting in their back yard for awhile before Avery started to get a little cranky thus telling us it was time to head back to Butte. Jeff's been working pretty hard on finishing up projects for school so it was a nice little break. Here are a couple of pics from the car ride over.

These are a couple of pics from Sunday. We started to clean out our garage and I scraped paint off the door that will go up on our main floor bathroom for about four hours. I swear it had ten layers of paint on it. Which makes sense since our house is almost 100 years old. Now we just need to sand it a little, hopefully that'll happen tonight, stain it and we can hang it back up. I haven't updated on the rest of the bathroom remodel because there's really not much to tell. When we actually get our butts moving and get the toilet back in there I'll post a picture. Don't hold your breath though because it could be another six months before that post shows up!

Avery update: she's walking! She's not very good at it yet but she's doing it more and more often. She recently discovered how to get up from sitting to standing and she likes to practice that over and over again. I was going to try to post a video of her walking but we haven't really figured that part of our video camera out yet. Maybe someday. She also likes to walk and "talk" on the cell phone at the same time. It's so cute. I think she just thinks that Daddy and Mommy like to talk into the small device. So she holds it up to her ear and chats away. It's pretty funny. Some new words are kitty which sounds like ki ki and night night. She's also getting really good at blowing kissing when we way bye bye. She's so much fun.

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