Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I've been tagged

Ok Karnop (as Rosie said, you'll always be Karnop to us) sorry I haven't gotten to this sooner but see the previous post for an explanation :) I've been tagged so here are my answers - too fun!

How long have you been together? married for 7 on July 23rd.

How long did you date? two years

How old is he? 30

Who eats more? That's a toss up. If it's desert - definitely me but Jeff would kick my butt in a pizza eating contest.

Who said "I love you" first? He did and the funny thing is it was on the phone while I was at college in Missoula and he was stuck in Great Falls. It just kind of came out while saying good bye one night on the phone and I don't think he even realized he said it until I said, "wait a minute did you just say..." It was too cute.

Who is taller? Jeff by like 6 inches (we're both on the short end)

Who is smarter? Jeff is way way smarter at Math and Science then I could ever wish to be but when it comes to English and finances I'm smarter.

Who does the laundry? I do, but Jeff occasionally throws a load in.

Who does the dishes? Mostly me but again Jeff sometimes pitches in.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jeff does (must be a guy thing) if he sleeps with me - I have a major snoring problem, that as soon as I get up the nerve to go to the Dr will hopefully get fixed. The surgeries to fix that stuff are yucky, so for now, the guest room works for Jeff :)

Who pays the bills? I do, I'm the finance queen. I have a major obsession with budgeting (thus my job as a bookkeeper) and I find myself tweaking our budget daily on excel ( I love excel). Yes I'm a nerd!

Who mows the lawn? Jeff does. We have 1/4 acre with a hill on it, so it's a pretty big job.

Who cooks dinner? We both do and we even sometimes fight over it. Jeff likes things a little spicier than I do so we take turns making spaghetti sauce and Mexican food. When he makes it, it's a little too spicy for me and when I make it, it's a little too bland for him. I guess that's were the marriage compromise comes in.

Who is more stubborn? That's a tough one. I'd say Jeff is and he'd probably say that I am. We're both pretty darn stubborn and we both like to get our way.

Who kissed who first? Jeff kissed me in my parents driveway - how romantic :) I remember telling him that I'd like to kiss him more but I didn't want my parents to see us. Oh young love!

Who asked who out? Jeff asked me out when we were working together at Kmart, of all places. Our first date was dinner at El Comador. MMMmmm El Comador!

Who proposed? Jeff did on New Years 2000 with Neil Diamond singing "Coming to America" in the background :) My whole family was upstairs waiting for us to come up from my room as they all already knew.

Who is more sensitive? Me by far.

Who has more friends? That's a tough one. I'd say it's a tie.

Who has more siblings? I do. I have two bros and he only has one.

Okay Shawna you're tagged :)


Rosanne said...

Fun stories! (and some funny ones too!) :)

JessLucero said...

Very interesting................not

Kari said...

I will never forget the night Jeff asked you to marry him. It was so fun to be a part of it.