Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb Update

So I realized today that I haven't gotten even one post out this month. Thinking back, it's been kind of a hectic month. Avery has battled the stomach flu (which made itself evident while eating out - I'll spare you the details) and she's still battling Influenza type A with croup to top it off. Poor kid. She's been keeping us really busy. On Friday we got the diagnosis that she had the flu so we spent the weekend catering to her. She never got the fever but her chest congestion and cough were a little scary. We even took her to the ER on Sunday just in case. She had chest X-rays done and they said everything looked fine (aka no pneumonia) and that the crud just had to run it's coarse. I started taking Tamilfu Sat after getting that feeling that something was coming on. I've managed to not get the full blown flu but I have felt kind of crappy the last couple of days.
With the exception of Avery's horrible cough and wheezy breathing she's actually been a really good kid the last few days. Yesterday she learned that if we say where's Avery's nose, and she points to it, we cheer. So that's the latest trick . The funny thing is once she finds her nose her finger automatically moves to her nostril and deposits itself inside. She even got both fingers up her Daddy's nose the other day. Apparently she thinks the holes are interesting.
She's still pointing at everything. Oh and when she's done eating she tries to feed us whatever's left on her plate or sometimes she'll pull food out of her mouth and offer it to us. Sweet but a little gross, especially when it's covered with the flu virus. The other trick when she's done eating is to start hitting and throwing her food off of her tray. She thinks this game is pretty funny. Even when Daddy and Mommy tell her not to do it in our sternest voices. Obviously we're not that scary. I'll try to get some pictures up soon.
I hope everyone else is making it through the flu season uninfected!


Rosanne said...

poor baby. Thanks for wishing no one else has gotten that sick - but nope - it's EVERYWHERE! Including our house. The girls both had the flu (aka throw up), I almost got it, and Lance got it the worst...along with Bronchitis. oh joy. Luckily my mom's here right now helping us all.

Stay/get healthy!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I miss you Lacy!! I hope all is well. Wish I could make it up to Montana for the little ones "BIG" birthay! :(

Lacy Kline said...

Mandi - if you happen to read my comments again - give me your email address so I can talk to you! I miss you too. Love, Lacy

JessLucero said...

Poor kid.

JessLucero said...

sometimes she'll pull food out of her mouth and offer it to us. Sweet but a little gross,

just a little gross???

JessLucero said...

Mandi...if you're reading this.....Why did you buy another have one....his name is Duke and he barks alot!

JessLucero said... more thing....I think it's Mandy not Mandi