Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Countdown Begins

Only thirteen days left in Norway.  It's pretty surreal.  When this whole adventure started two and a half years ago I thought it would never end.  I even threatened taking the kid and running back to the States.  Yet at some point I started to really enjoy living in Europe and even got used to Norway and now it's over.  So much has happened since we've moved, both good and bad, but in the end I am so glad that we took this journey.  What memories for us to look back on.  The time we lived in Europe, visited Spain, had a baby in Norway.  From this experience I have had the opportunity to not only see the world but to live it.  It is hard to explain but living in another culture is a somewhat humbling experience and one I urge everyone to try.  Avery will always have a perception of what the world is like that I'm sure she will take with her.  Hopefully some day she will decide to travel through Europe and she won't fear it like I did pre-Norway.  It is pretty amazing to have a five year old that understands what Europe is and that people speak different languages.  Anders will always be able to tell about how he was born and spent the first year of his life in Norway, won't other kids be impressed.  As the days are winding down I am finding myself with very mixed feelings.  I almost started crying yesterday in the grocery store, as it was the last time I would get groceries in Norway.  And how will I ever say goodbye to Elisabeth and her girls, I am choosing to not think about that right now.  We will be leaving behind wonderful friends, great memories and blueberry season!  I am so bummed to not be here for berry season and I think it will take me awhile to get over that.  So goodbye to Norway, you have taught me so much and because of you I am a stronger, more confident person with a whole new perception of the world.  Thank you, we will miss you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

We are in trouble now!

Hike in the woods

Last Sunday we took a hike through the woods back to a farm (gård) that sits about a mile and a half back and sells coffee and waffles with brown cheese or strawberries and sour cream (every cafe sells these two items.)  It was a beautiful day and we walked with Mark, Elisabeth and the girls.  Anders rode in the backpack and did fairly well.  It's days like these that I will miss Norway.  
 View from the deck.
The girls on a swing.

The men.

Random moments...

Look Mom I can stand!

So big in my sister's chair.
Tired Monkeys.  
Ave's kangaroo had a baby.  The other animals are all excited and gathered around to see him.