Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ninjer or Fief

This is my new hat. When I put it on I instantly turn into a Ninjer or a Fief (Ninja, Thief). Somedays I wear it for hours!

Snail Hunting

While on a walk yesterday Avery came across a snail and decided to bring it home. She likes to build snail houses out of leaves and put the little guys int he grass. This one was particularly cute so I snapped a couple of pictures. The home Avery finally choose for him.
She said that these are his eyes like Gary has on Sponge Bob.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

More Anders

Happy boy!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Playdate with YIT!

On facebook I am a member of YIT or Yanks in Trondheim. It is a group of Americans that live in our town. Many of the members have kids so last week one of the members decided to schedule a playdate at a park called Nedre Lierfossen. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful park. We met some great people and decided to make this playdate an ongoing event. It was so great to talk with other Americans and wonderful for Avery to get to play with other English speaking children. It was also really cool to hear the stories of how other Americans made their way to Trondheim. Feeding the ducks.

Random pictures and a party

While watching cartoons the other day, Avery got the idea that she needed to make paper hats just like the kids on TV. After the hats were made she asked if she could have a party. So we had a paper hat party. We each got special hats to wear, Daddy's was from newspaper with tools on it, and even her animals got in on the action. We had hotdogs and cake and blew up balloons. It was great fun ;)

Daddy also taught her about static electricity. Zach the zebra got to wear a hat too.
Here's a picture of Anders reaching for a toy. He started doing this while Grandpa Bubba was here. He also started rolling over from front to back on Sept. 17th! I love this stage where something new happens every day.

We had an amazing full moon a week or so ago. Jeff snapped this awesome picture.

Visit from Grandpa Bubba and Grandma Lara

We were lucky enough to have Jeff's Dad and StepMom come over to Norway for a visit. It was their first trip to Europe so Jeff took them around to see the sites. On a trip downtown to see the cathedral they went down by the river to a park. This is such a beautiful area of Trondheim.
Another day Jeff drove them down to the fjord.
Working on a sand castle. She was mad that Daddy or Grandma Lara wouldn't put a roof on it.

Throwing rocks with Grandpa Bubba.
Three generations of Klines.
We were so lucky to have visits from the Grandparents over the last month. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family who make the trek halfway around the world to see us. We love and miss you all and can't wait to see you over Christmas!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


He really likes his sister. She can get him to smile more than anyone else.

So tiny.
First smiles, these make all the sleepless nights worth it!

Visit from Grandma Lori

We were very lucky that after Nana left we still had Grandma Lori's visit to look forward to. She got to stay for a week and the kids had lots of fun with her. First meetings.
Chalk drawings outside. Ave and Grandma filled up the entire driveway!

Avery's art, a cat!Hanging out in the woods. I think she was a monster.
Avery kept swinging these trees back and forth and saying that it was Fall when the leaves fell.

We had a great time with Grandma Lori. Thank you so much for coming and Anders thanks you for taking him on "walk abouts" and helping him to calm down!