Sunday, February 27, 2011


Last Sunday we decided in the late afternoon that we needed to get out of the house. We have a sled hill close by so we trekked on over to let Avery sled. This time of year in Trondheim the light is starting to come back. It goes down now around 5:30 pm, a huge improvement over the 2:30 pm sunsets we were experiencing a month ago. I am not sure if it is because we are so far up North but the sky glows at night. Sometimes the entire night there is a glow outside.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winter 2011

We are ready for Spring, however, as long as Spring is still a few months away we have been trying to make the most of winter. The last couple of weeks have been very cold in Trondheim. I happen to like the very cold better than the slightly warmer and raining but it is all getting old. Last weekend we decided to go to åpen gard (open farm) at Voll farms. Voll is about a ten minute walk from our apartment so when Elisabeth called to see if we wanted to meet her family there we jumped at the opportunity. It was a fun time. The baby goats were out and boy were they cute.
The kids taking a sleigh ride.
Avery got to ride around on a horse for the first time ever.
She was pretty proud of herself.
We needed something to pass the time indoors so we decided to get Avery Nickolodean Wii Fit and the Wii kids remote. It's great, Ave gets exercise led by Dora, Diago, The Backyardigans and Kai Lan and she doesn't really even realize it's all about the exercise.
We walked to the woods by our house and made a snow person.
Avery got pulled most of the way.
What happens when a small person gets a hold of the camera while Mom is not looking. We ended up with about ten pictures of dinosaurs and random pictures of our rug, Jeff and I had a laugh.

So we are making the most of the winter blahs. In two months we get to go to Southern Spain so I really should not complain. My ultrasound is in a week and a half and next month we celebrate Avery and Jeff's birthdays. Having things to look forward to happens to be my best method for beating the winter blues. I hope you are all finding your own ways to get through the next few months.