Friday, August 27, 2010

Bike Wreck

It's been awhile since I last posted. The summer just kept flying by and with every intention of putting a post out there, I failed. So Here's a little catch up on what the Kline's have been up to the last three weeks. Jeff managed to get into a pretty major bike wreck. No he didn't end up in the Hospital and yes he is fine. However, the wreck happened about two weeks ago and his arm is still sore. Of course his chain came off his bike right as he desended the steepest part of his journey to school at 8 am. Luckily as he sat there bleeding trying to put his chain back on his bike a nice Chinese gentlemen that happened to work in his department strolled by and offered help. Jeff called me from school and I instantly told him to get on the bus and come home. His shirt was ripped in the back and on the shoulder and he had some major road rash along with a very swollen arm. Luckily it doesn't seem that anything was broken and he is recovering nicely. Here are a few pics from the day after. The wounds were already cleaned out. When he came home they were black with dirt and we scrubbed them for some time. Poor guy he was pretty beat up.

His wounds are much better today!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Norway has lots of slugs. Whenever it rains they come out and lay on our path that goes to the store. These things are so huge and gross. I'm not sure I ever saw a slug in MT so yes seeing a slug is an adventure for me. There are tons of big snails here too. I'll post a picture of those another day!

Berry Picking

Blueberries grow in the wild all over Norway. Last week Elisabeth and her girls invited Avery and I to go with them berry picking. We ended up going to a place just a mile or so from our home. It is a place with many trails back into the woods that I'm sure we will visit many more times. Once we got there and found some berries to my surprise they were exactly like our Montana huckleberries! How flipping cool is that. So we spend a day wandering the trails and picking berries. It was great fun. That Sunday I drug Jeff back up there for another couple of hours of picking. We got enough for a pie! What a great place and what fun days.

If you click on this to make it larger you can see all the berries.

Above picking with Jeff. Below, lunch with the girls.
The pie that Avery and I baked! I still can't believe we found these berries here. I had been bummed out since every year back in MT we went and picked huckleberries around this time. What a wonderful surprise to find them over here.

The stream by our house

Any time we walk to the Coop we pass this stream. The other weekend when it was warm the three of us cruised down to the stream to play.

New old car

So we finally found a car. It's a 1994 Volkswagon Golf. Funny huh. We paid about $4200 USD for it, probably twice what we'd have paid in the States but still a good deal. Cars are very expensive over here so we decided we just needed something to get us around for a couple of years. This car had good work history with it and it was clean with low miles for the year. We picked it up on a used car lot. We are still trying to figure out insurance for it before we can take it out for a real trip but we're hoping that'll happen soon. Oh and did I mention i can't drive a stick, so that'll be another post, Jeff teaching me to drive a stick - wish me luck!