Thursday, October 29, 2009

Holy Short Hair

So it happened to us. I've heard stories, read other blogs heck I even did something similar myself but I honestly didn't think it'd happen to us. What happened you might ask! My lovely daughter got a hold of a pair of scissors and mutilated her hair. I think mutilated is the right word because cut doesn't really cover it. The poor thing got a hold of a pair of scissors when I thought she was going potty. I was helping her Dad clean up some glass from a window he was replacing in the next room. I swear I was only away from her for one to two minutes but it was long enough for her to climb up on the toilet and reach a pair of scissors I have stashed in a basket on a shelf that's about four feet high. The little monkey put them up to her head and hacked away. She managed about a three inch radius of chopping. There's one spot she cut it to the scalp. When I walked in on her I about died. My first reaction was anger more at myself than at her. Once Ave realized what she did, however, she freaked out and was pretty upset. Her Dad and I had to calm her down and explain that it would grow back and that she'll just have to wear headbands for awhile. The next morning when she woke up her hair was the first thing she talked about. That night she told us her hair was gross and she keeps telling us it will grow back. Poor kid. I'm trying really hard to get through to her that she's beautiful no matter what but I think this has shaken her. I am guessing in her mind she just thought it'd turn out the way it did when Mommy cut it and I'm sure she never in a million years thought it'd look the way it did when she was done. I still want to just kick myself for not putting the scissors up higher! I won't be posting pics anytime soon becuase we're trying to not make a big deal out of this. I'll take pics of her dressed up for Halloween so you can get a sense of the damage then. For now we're using lots of headbands and figured out that if it's put into pig tails it looks almost normal. Lesson learned by Mommy on this one and I assure you the scissors will be locked up from this point on!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Averyisms - Ten for Tuesday

1. When putting her to bed she says to me “sweetie, I love you sweetie”

  1. On Monday when we were driving home from day care Ave asks “where’s Daddy?” I say, “he’s at home” she says, “ I wanna watch The Gyver with Daddy.” (the Gyver is MacGyver which she loves watching with her Dad).

  1. Yesterday I caught her disciplining the cat. Earlier Jeff had been playing with Miles and Miles had been nipping at Daddy. She said to him, “ Miles not bite Daddy, I told you not bite Daddy.” This went on for like four minutes before the cat got bored and walked away.

  1. When I took her to get her flu shot she told me while we were in the parking lot, “I scared Mommy.” Broke my heart.

  1. The other day while Jeff and I sat on the couch watching TV, Avery was talking very seriously to her Elmo doll. The entire conversation consisted of telling Elmo he was a big girl and that he has to go on the potty. The conversation about potty went on for a few minutes until Jeff said, “isn’t it funny how it’s all consuming.” At which point I started laughing so hard had I had tears rolling down my face. She also likes to make the Elmo doll sit so she can push him in the stroller. For those of you who don’t know Elmo dolls are not made to sit you have to force it. Most times before she can get the doll to actually sit she ends up throwing the doll and crying until one of us goes and gets the stupid doll to sit.

  1. Her new thing is privacy in the bathroom. This morning while getting ready she walked in got on the potty and said, “Mommy get out.”

  1. She loves the new kid sized tools we got her. The other day my Mom called while she was using them and I asked her if she wanted to talk to Nana. She said, “no, I fixin.” Apparently she’s helping us “fix” things.

  1. Her new favorite song goes something like this (she yells it), “ keep trying, keep trying, don’t stop, never give up” she sings it over and over again and makes Mommy and Daddy sing it with her.

  1. When she wants you to be quiet she whispers, “shush the birds are sleeping.” I’m wondering if this is something they say at daycare?

  1. Her new thing is grunting or sighing when I ask her to do something she doesn’t want to do. If I say, “Avery pick up those toys.” She groans just like a teenager would and sometimes even rolls her eyes. It’s too funny.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Overthink it!

We’re working hard in the Kline household to make sure we meet all of our goals for the big move. Right now the goals are to pack up as much of the stuff that is staying in America so it can go back to Great Falls any time a family member comes over and to get our kitchen remodel done. So far we’ve made progress in both areas, but like everything it is taking longer than I had hoped. The kitchen is almost entirely sheet rocked and the counters are prepped so we can lay down the marble. This weekend’s goal is to get started on perphataping and by the grace of god finish it so that we can get the counters in so that I can get my sink back!

Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, actually having the home remodeling projects has helped keep my mind busy and right now I’m finding that idle time means time to think about the hugeness of what we are doing over the next few months. My good friend Jill asked me today if I’m freaking out and actually I’m not. There is so much going on that I am just taking it a week or a day at a time. Setting small goals is an attainable feat. Figuring out what happens once we get to Norway is just too much for my brain right now. So I am focusing on “right now” and if my mind wanders to the future I am trying to only focus on the good. For instance being a stay at home Mom or seeing Europe. I can figure out how to take my kid to the Dr and where I’m going to buy a new TV once I get there. Those are really the things that stress me out so I am choosing or trying to not think about them until reality hits me in the face.

Now finding an international moving company is another topic and instead of stressing out too much about that one, I’ve turned it over to Jeff for now. For some reasons these companies don’t like to call you back, I’m guessing they are busy, but come on I’ve got a move to plan. Ok no stress, Jeff will figure it out!