Sorry it has taken me so long to post more about Jeff's China trip. We have had some sickness in the family and a few other things have come up lately that have kept me from blogging. Kept might be a strong word, I just haven't felt like it lately, however, I am vowing to get back into my posts and thought I better get a little more of Jeff's China trip up. I would like to post pictures of the World Expo that is in Shanghai but that requires Jeff telling me about each picture and to be honest, I'm not sure when I'll get my shit together enough for that to happen. Instead I've decided to post pictures of the loot that Jeff brought Avery and I back. When Jeff left I wrote down a list of things I would like him to buy. Lucky girl that I am he managed to pick up almost everything I asked for and then some. In the group that Jeff went with they were lucky enough to have two Chinese PhD students. Sarina went off shopping one day while everyone else went to the beach and Jeff tagged along which was wonderful since he had a translator and someone that could help him bargain for things. Here is a glimpse of the goods.
Jeff also brought back chinese tea, sandals and crocks for Avery that he got dirt cheap and a T shirt for himself. He said that some things were very cheap and some things were expensive. I was very pleased with what he brought me and I will cherish all of it. I have always liked to incorporate Asian pieces in to my decorating and these things fit beautifully. Such a lucky girl to have such a great husband!